Interesting Articles

Kinetic wind generator: device, principle of operation, application

A modern kinetic wind generator allows you to use the power of air currents, converting it into electricity. For this purpose, there are factory and home-made models of devices that are used both in industry and in private households. We will talk about how windmills of this type are arranged, we will introduce you to the features of the device and design options....

Rapid RAC-07HJ / N1 split system overview: a budget unit with no frills

Relatively inexpensive, sufficiently functional household air conditioners are in demand among the population. This kind of technological equipment is widely represented in the commercial market. Among the existing assortment, the Rapid RAC 07HJ N11 split system is a modest product of the Latvian industry....


Repair of Atlant refrigerators: common problems and solutions

Atlant refrigerators are the heirs of the popular Soviet brand Minsk. According to experts and most users, the equipment is not inferior to European counterparts, and even surpasses competitors in terms of price-quality ratio. But just like any other equipment, they can break down. Of course, you can contact the service center, but you must admit, it’s much cheaper to restore the unit’s performance with your own hands....

How to choose the best shampoo for washing vacuums: a hit parade of effective and popular formulations

Cleaning the room takes a lot of time, besides it is a considerable physical load on a person. Having a vacuum cleaner at home with an extractor greatly simplifies this task. However, the means used for this should be really effective, then a shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners will help not only remove any impurities, but also moisturize the air, neutralize unpleasant odors, and disinfect the room....

What is the bottom drawer for in a gas stove for?

For cooking, we all use stoves. Most often they are equipped with an oven under which there is a capacious niche. Many will no doubt say right away why they need a lower drawer in a gas stove - this is a convenient place to store pans, dumplings, and trays, but it turns out that this is not all of its possible functions....

Heating systems

Modern heating systems - new and traditional heating methods

The choice of heating method depends on the financial possibilities of the homeowner. Citizens with incomes above average are more interested in modern heating systems and the latest energy-saving equipment. Rural residents with low incomes set the task differently: to economically heat an apartment or a private house, incurring minimal installation costs....

Boilers and burners

Combined and separate boilers for heating on wood and electricity

Owners of private houses who use solid fuel stoves to heat up are well aware of the problem of cooling their homes after they completely burn through laying firewood or coal. This happens at night or in the absence of the owners, when there is no one to plant new logs in the furnace. The issue is solved in several ways: use a combined wood heating boiler - electricity; install 2 separate heat sources - solid fuel and electric; do not get involved in electricity and put the boiler on long-burning wood....

Stoves and fireplaces

How to fold a Russian stove with a stove bench

The old Russian stove is a very effective source of heat used for heating country houses, cooking delicious dishes and baking. The energy efficiency of burning wood is at least 60, which makes the brick building interesting for private developers and homeowners. This material is useful for beginner stove-makers and home craftsmen who want to make their own home heating....

Radiators and heaters

What is a mycothermal heater - device and user reviews

A wide selection of electric heaters has recently replenished with another variety. Mykatermic heater got its name in honor of Mica-thermic manufacturing technology based on the use of mica minerals. Since it is difficult to invent something really new in the field of electric heating, we suggest that you consider what it is and objectively understand the pros and cons of the product....